
上海安亭洛浦路45號 400-820-8326



SG series hydraulic diaphragm wall grabs are specialized equipment to form diaphragm walls, such as for pit strutting, dam anti-seepage and dock cofferdam, and are also used for the construction of square piles, remaining kind of highly efficient, multifunctional infrastructure construction machinery.

 Model of base carrier SG35A
Wall width(m) 0.35-1.2 
Wall depth(m)  50(60)
Max. extraction force(kN) 350 
Single line pull of winch(kN)  180
Rated engine output(kw)  194
System pressure(Mpa)  30
Main pump flow(L/min)  2×260
Diesel  Cummins C8.3-C
Max. rotation speed(rpm)  2200
Model of undercarriage  R305LC-7
Track shoe outer distance(mm)  3200-4300
Track shoes width(mm) 800 
Towing force(kn)  500
Crawler speed(kn/h)  1.5
Total weight(w/o grab)(t)  58

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